Music & Lyrics by George M. Cohen
(Various stops along the theatre circuit, 1878-1937.) This outline is based on what we feel is necessary to the script, but sufficient to a small-budget production. You may select only those costumes you feel you need, or request additional changes. The numbers indicate what we consider one costume/one rental price.
George M. Cohan:
Three piece white suit, pastel shirt, colored derby, colored bow tie, bag cap and muffler. (circa 1878)
Tux coat, pants, shirt, tie, cummerbund. (circa 1878)
Three piece street suit, shirt, tie, straw skimmer hat. Patterned but not flashy. (circa 1903)
Knickers, suit coat, bright vest, tie, jockey hat. Color coordinated for “Broadway” number. (circa 1903)
A better quality three piece suit, derby. A bit more conservative. (1903)
Colored tail coat, pants, formal vest, tie, evening coat and homburg. Plus white mess coat, and red, white & blue jockey hat. (circa 1907)
Keystone cop coat, pants, hat, belt. Plus Kelly green full sleeved shirt, Irish hat.
Conservative three piece suit, coat, straw hat. (circa 1937)
Jerry Cohan: his father
Green tail coat and pants, shirt, tie, Irish hat.
Colored tail coat and pants, vest, shirt, tie, derby and muffler. Tails coordinate with Nellie & Josie’s #1 costume.
Period tux jacket and pants, cummerbund, tie, opera cape and top hat. (1878)
Frock coat, pants, vest, shirt, tie, hat. Color coordinated for “Broadway”.
Sea captain’s coat, white pants, tie, cap. Plus green vest.
Nellie Cohan: Jerry’s wife
Bed jacket. Skirt, petticoat, blouse, sleeveless bolero jacket. Pretty and suitable for stage performing. Color coordinated with Josie’s #1 costume. Plus cape and hat. (circa 1878)
Evening gown with feathered headdress. Color coordinated with Josie’s #2 costume. Plus white fur stole and evening cape. (circa 1878)
An elaborate day dress and hat. Color coordinated for “Broadway”. (1903)
Evening gown with headdress. (circa 1907)
White and blue frothy dress for stage performing. (circa 1919)
Josie Cohan: George’s sister
1. A pretty fluffy frock, petticoat. For performing, color coordinate with Nellie’s #1 costume. Plus cape and hat. (circa 1878)
2. Evening gown and feathered headdress. Color coordinate with Nellie’s #2 costume. Plus feather boa and evening cape. (circa 1878)
3. European style folk costume. Embroidered blouse, vest, skirt, petticoat.
4. An elaborate day dress and hat. Color coordinate for “Broadway”. (1903)
5. Evening gown with headdress. (1907)
6. A white and blue frothy dress for stage performing. (circa 1919)
Ethel Levy Cohan: George’s first wife
1. A basic white gown and short bridal veil. Quickly removed overbodice and skirt drape and feathered headdress, color coordinated with Nellie’s and Josie’s #2 costumes. Plus evening cape. (circa 1878) Petticoat.
Skirt, blouse, mesh tights, bodice. A bowery tart.
An elaborate day dress and hat. Color coordinated for “Broadway”. (1903)\
Street suit and hat. (circa 1907)
Agnes Nolan Cohan: George’s second wife
1. A simple street dress, hat, petticoat. (circa 1903)
An evening gown with feathered headdress. (circa 1907)
White midi skirt, blue long sleeved blouse, red vest, red and white jockey cap.
Street dress, hat, fur stole. (circa 1937)
Sam Harris: George’s business partner
1. A three piece business suit, shirt, tie, hat. (circa 1903)
Fay Templeton
Peignoir outfit with long, very full sleeves.
Double of this outfit for her stand-in.
An elaborate evening gown, sweet rather than sophisticated, cape, headdress. (circa 1903) petticoat.
Mrs. Baker
Housedress, apron, petticoat. (circa 1878)
Dr. Webb
Frock coat suit, vest, shirt, tie, top hat. Conservative.
Stage Manager
Shirt, pants, vest, derby. (circa 1878)
B. E. Albee
Conservative frock coat suit, vest, shirt, tie, derby. (circa 1878)
Mrs. Red Deer
Indian dress and headband.
Mme. Grimaldi
A loud housedress and apron, petticoat. (circa 1878)
Louis Behman
Patterned but not flashy three piece suit, shirt, tie. (circa 1915)
Wardrobe Mistress
A simple dress, apron, petticoat. (circa 1903)
Ben: a stage manager
Pants, vest, shirt, tie. (circa 1903)
Louis: a set designer
Two piece suit, shirt, flowing tie. (circa 1903)
Freddie: Fay’s manager
Three piece suit, patterned but not flashy, shirt, tie, hat. (circa 1903)
Ma Templeton
A dark day dress, hat, petticoat. (circa 1903)
Rose: a maid
Blouse, skirt, apron, cap, petticoat. (circa 1903)
Simple skirt, blouse, petticoat. (circa 1903)
Blazer jacket, white pants, shirt, tie. (circa 1903)
Pants, shirt, pullover sweater. (circa 1937)
Child street clothes: (circa 1878)
Girls: Drop waist dresses, white tights.
Boys: Shirts, knickers, dark tights.
Adult street clothes: (circa 1878 through 1907)
Women: Dresses, petticoats, hats, capes.
Men: Suits, shirts, ties, hats, mufflers.
Evening attire: (circa 1878 through 1907)
Women: Evening gowns, petticoats, feathered headdresses, evening capes
Men: Formal tail coats, tux pants, white vests and ties, evening capes and top hats.
4. Bowery tarts: match Ethyl’s #2 costume in style.
5. Folk costumes to match Josie’s #3:
Women: same as Josie’s.
Men: Embroidered shirts, vests, knee pants, white tights.
6. Broadway chorus – color coordinated with leads:
Women: Same as Josie and Nellie.
Men: Blazers, white pants, straw “skimmer” hats, shirts, ties.
7. Seamen for “Broadway” color coordinated. Middy blouses and sailor pants.
8. Politicians: Conservative suits, shirts, ties.
Red, white and blue jockey outfits for men; women same as Agnes’ #3.
Keystone Cops: coats, pants, hats, belts.
Irish Costumes: Various garments in greens and whites.
Women: Red tail coats, white leotards, black sequined top hats, mesh tights.
Men: Black tail coats, red flashy vests and ties, black sequined top hats, black tux pants.
13. Specialty performers: As requested