Costume World Theatrical



By Guiseppe Verdi

Time: Late 15th century Place: A seaport in Cyprus

Act 1: An open square outside Otello’s castle

Act 2: A room on the ground floor of the castle

Act 3: The great hall of the castle

Act 4: Desdemona’s bedroom

Otello, Moor of Venice/Governor of CyprusAct 1: Doublet, tights, armor, cape, helmet, sword

Act 2: Gown, sash, armhole cloak

Act 3: Rich doublet, tights, cape

Act 4: Dark doublet, tights, armohole cape

Iago, Ensign under Otello

Act 1: Doublet, tights, partial armor, cape, helmet-similar to Otello

Act 2: Dark doublet, cape, hat, tights

Act 3: Doublet, sash, armhole cape, tights

Act 4: Short gown, sash, armhole cloak

Cassio, Captain under Otello

Act 1: Doublet, tights, partial armor, cape, helmet-similar to Otello

Act 2: Repeat Act 1 doublet and tights, add armhole cloak

Act 3: Gown, sash, armhole cape, tights, hat

Act 4: Repeat Act 2

Roderigo, A Venetian gentleman

Act 1: Doublet, tights, cape, hat

Act 3, Gown, sash, tights, armhole cloak, hat

Lodovico, Ambassador from Venice

Act 3: Long gown, armhole cloak, hat

Montano, Ex-governor of Cyprus

Act 1: Doublet, tights, cape, hat

Act 4: Repeat Act 1

Fishermen: Simple peasant costumes of the period

Sailors: Shirts, slops, hose, vests, caps

Soldiers: Doublets, tights, capes, helmets- similar to Otello’s

Herald: Tunic, tights, tabard, hat

Desdemona, Otello’s wife

Act 1: Light colored gown, cloak with hood

Act 2: Rich jeweled gown, headpiece

Act 3: Dark gown, headpiece

Act 3: White nightgown, colored overrobe

Emilia, Desdemona’s companion and Iago’s wife

Act 2: Dark simple gown, headpiece

Act 3: Repeat Act 2, add armhole cloak

Act 4: Another simple gown and headpiece

Ladies in waiting, Act 2: Period gowns, headpieces

Peasant women and children: Simple peasant costumes of the period