Brigadoon Plot
Fiona McLaren
- Simple day dress and petticoat – distinctive enough to stand out from the chorus.
- Dressier dress for the wedding, tartan shoulder swag
Jean McLaren
- Simple distinctive day dress and petticoat
- Sweet white wedding dress, white floral wreath headdress
Andrew McLaren
- Full sleeved homespun shirt, vest, knee breeches, tights
- Black dress jacket, white shirt with ruffled neck stock, kilt and swag, tam or Glengary hat, sporran
Charlie Dalrympple
- Full sleeved homespun shirt, knee breeches, tights
- Black dress jacket, white shirt with ruffled neck stock, kilt and swag, tam or Glengary hat, sporran
Meg Brockie
- Day dress, slightly sexy, petticoat
- Change of dress for the wedding, shoulder swag
Mr. Lundie
- Coat, vest, breeches, shirt with neck stock, tights and hat – conservative. Note: you may substitute a full dress kilt.
- Nightshirt and night cap
- Simple day dress, petticoat
- Shoulder swag added for wedding 3. Black dress for the funeral dance
Harry Beaton
- Full sleeved homespun shirt, knee breeches, tights – usually in darker colors
- Full dress costume as other men for wedding
Tommy Albright
- Tweedy suit, hat, trenchcoat
- In New York – change of suit
Jeff Douglas
- Dressed similar to Tommy with sweater
- Add plaid pants for the wedding 3. In New York – change of suit
Jane Ashton
- Stylish cocktail dress or suit, gloves, hat
- Shirt, large apron, pants, bowtie
Villager Men and Clan heads
- (Sandy Dean, Archie Beaton, Stuart Dalrymple, Angus McGuffie) Full sleeved homespun shirt, vest, knee breeches, tights
- White shirt with lace stock and cuffs, kilts, dress jacket, shoulder swag, tam
Female Chorus
- Simple day dresses, petticoats
- Shoulder swags added for wedding
Male Chorus
- 1. Outfits similar to Andrew McLaren’s first costume or they can wear the shirts and kilts only of their wedding costumes
- Full sleeved shirts, kilts, shoulder swags for wedding
Please advise us of the clans to which each Scottish character belongs so that the tartans will match (all women wear same tartans as the men’s kilts in the clan).