IMPORTANT! PLEASE NOTE: The attached costume plot is a “suggested” design interpretation of your production and may differ greatly from the Costume World stock. To guarantee a costume selection that is in closest possible accordance with your specifications, our Designer/Costumer will advise you of the costume options currently available.
Time: 1835 through 1880. The action takes place all over America and the major capitols of the world.
NOTE: All chorus members, men and women, which includes clowns, bricklayers, acrobats, tumblers, gymnasts, jugglers and the mob in general have a basic leotard and pair of tights which are decorated with stripes, dots, checks, stars, scrolls, etc., in bright colors, but appear to be worn and faded in appearance. These under costumes are seen as above and different over garments throughout the show as will be described, scene by scene, in this plot.
ACT I, Scene I – Bridgeport Conn. – “There’s a Sucker Born Ev’ry Minute”
Chairy Barnum:
White cotton blouse with long sleeves and tight cuffs. Gray silk fitted jacket with ¾ length bell shape sleeves, white lace collars. There is a silver locket on right side at all times with this jacket. Subtle floral printed skirt (pink, gray, pale blue) wide white lace band around skirt about 4 inches up from hem. White petticoats.
Beige and white stripe shirt, white collar opened at neck and sleeves rolled up. Dark orange silk ascot, black, red and orange brocade vest w/ wide lapels and double-breasted front. Beige wool wide leg pants w/ no cuffs.
1st Over Dress: All members of chorus in this scene have parts of costumes over their basic tights and leotards. No one has the appearance of being completely dressed but principals.
Women – Some women have printed skirts hiked up on hip and camisole tops or blouses, while others have printed bloomers and shawls, and some of the women have small hats, purses that hang from waistband, bloomers which are visible in dance numbers.
Men – Some men have knickers w/ suspenders and caps, while others have pants and vests and others have neckband shirts and pants.
ACT I, Scene II – “Thank God I’m Old” – (1835)
Chairy Barnum
Joice Heth
Dark purple print dress, much too large and hiked up at waist with rope. Patches of old lace are scattered on bodice and sleeves. Calico print bloomers with lace ruffles at hem. Printed mob-cap with lace ruffle. Baggy white tights and large men’s period high shoes.
Amos Scudder
Dark brown frock coat w/ velvet cuffs and collars. Red and brown brocade vest. Beige, brown and black striped pants. White shirt w/ wing collar and blue ascot, black top hat.
ACT I, Scene III – “The Colors of My Life” – (1842)
Repeats previous costume but add black frock coat with velvet collar and cuffs.
2 women put long aprons on over basic to become waitresses, while 5 others seen only from shoulders up put on feathered hats and become customers. There are no men in scene.
ACT I, Scene IV – “One Brick at a Time”
Repeat, without coat.
Women– repeat 1st overdress
Men– oversized overalls over their basic. These costumes are brightly colored and have abstract pattern such as stripes, plaids, and checks. All men have large 8-section caps here, giving costumes a clown-like appearance.
ACT I, Scene V – “Museum Song” – (1842)
ACT I, Scene VI – “I Like Your Style”
Repeats without jacket and blouse sleeves rolled, and long apron.
Quick Change into very simple pale yellow evening dress.
Repeat, with frock coat.
Amos Scudder
Mrs. Stratton
Very plain gray dress, extremely dowdy middle class New England appearance.
Sherwood Stratton
Dark gray frock suit with vest, high collar, white shirt and black cravat, extremely dowdy middle class New England appearance.
ACT I, Scene VII – “Bigger Isn’t Better” – London – (1842)
Tom Thumb
Royal blue uniform with bright gold accessories wide belt, epaulets, buttons, collar, cuffs and pants stripes.
Beef Eaters
Traditional red black & gold uniforms but elongated from waist down as actors are walking on 4 foot “construction” stilts.
ACT I, Scene VIII – Railroad Station – New York City – (1850)
Repeats with jacket.
Repeats with frock coat.
Susan B Anthony
Very drab colored period suit and small dark hat.
Julius Goldschmidt
Very expensive-looking gray frock suit with velvet collar, blue silk brocade vest, dark blue cravat, gray top hat. This character is dressed very well, with all possible accessories, watch chain, handkerchief, spats, etc.
Women – Suffragettes have 1st over dress on over basics, but have much drabber accessories, shawls, hat, purses, and jackets.
Men- the only men in this scene are dressed like Suffragettes, but with more comical touches as brighter colored bloom and shawls, over-sized flowers and hats.
ACT I, Scene IX – “Love Makes Such Fools of Us All” – (1850)
Jenny Lind (Arrival):
Elegant pale lavender silk dress with embroidered front panel and lace sleeves, lace parasol.
Repeats with Frock Coat.
Men Only – As platform bearers. Long red and orange cape over basics.
After Concert:
Repeats 2nd change evening dress with lace shawl.
Elegant black frock suit.
Jenny Lind
Men Only – Elegant frock suits with top hats and canes.
ACT I, Scene X – Jenny Lind Appartment
Jenny Lind
Elegant white lace underwear and white satin corset, very full white lace peignoir.
Starts off with black pants and white shirt and dresses in this scene putting on black vest and black frock coat.
ACT I, Scene XI – “Out There” (Tight Wire Number) – (1850)
Jenny Lind
Repeats underwear and corset only.
Repeats 1st change without vest and frock coat.
All members wear basic undergarments only.
ACT II, Scene I – “Come Follow the Band”
Women – Some women in this number have just blouses and camisoles over their basic tights while others have various tops, as mentioned above and full skirts.
Men – neck band shirts, high button vest, pants and knickers, some w/ wide suspenders some with belts, caps and derbies.
White underwear shirt, oversized overall in yellow, purple, magenta, satin, right side stripes, left side plaid (similar to bricklayers) yellow derby with yellow clown wig attached.
The Band
Gray pants with gold braid on side; maroon sack coats, single breasted with brass buttons, gold shoulder knots and gold braid at cuffs, maroon shakos with gold ornament and red feather stick-up.
ACT II, Scene II – “Black and White” – (1869)
Gray silk dress, with high collar, deep hem, cuffs, and center front panel trimmed in black braid and jet beading.
Dark gray frock suit, pale gray silk vest, double breasted with black bottoms and edged with black braid, white shirt with black cravat.
Lead Female Dancer
Black and white striped cake-walk dress, w/ black and white petticoats, black tights, black feather headpiece.
Lead Male Dancer
Black pants, black & white narrow striped vest with black lapels and collar, white shirt with small black dots and black silk flowing tie, black derby, gray spats.
Citizens of Bridgeport
Women – Oversized white choir- like robes.
Men – Black pants, high button vest in various grays and black, white shirts with small black spots or narrow black stripes, black cravats, black top hats.
NOTE: At the end of this number most of the chorus members repeat their costumes “One Brick at a Time”, Act I
ACT II, Scene III – “Scene with U.S. Senators” – (1871)
Repeat “Black and White” costume.
Repeat “Black and White” costumes, adding matching frock coats.
ACT II, Scene IV – “The Prince of Humbug” – (1871)
Repeat “Black and White” Costume.
ACT II, Scene V – “Join the Chorus” – (1880)
White jodhpurs, white silk vest, with black and silver spangled stripes. White ruffle front shirt with white bow tie. Red ringmaster coat with red spangled lapels and cuffs, and black velvet collar, black top hat, high black boots.
Royal blue tail suit with red lapels and red spangled collar, red brocade vest, white shirt with wing collar and black cravat, ret top hat with blue spangled band.
Costumed as circus performers, acrobats, clowns, tumblers, jugglers, gymnasts, and are all in muted shades of red, white and blue, with trimmings of gold and silver. Many of the basic tights and leotards are visible in this number.